BLACK SABBATH. There was not a band more loved by myself and all other outcast misfits than Black Sabbath. I remember metal-heads, punks, jocks, rockers, etc. all loving themselves some Sabbath, especially my friends from foreign nations. I had a friend named Irfan who loved Sabbath and Ozzy and we would listen to Sabbath and Ozzy through my headphones at lunch. Every heavy band owes Sabbath for their existance. Oh, and FUCK Ronnie James Dio, goddamn midget fuck. I like my Sabbath original and uncut, not some watered-down, stepped-on version full of dragons and grimoires and incantations.
Black Sabbath
N.I.B. (live 1970)
Planet Caravan
Fairies Wear Boots
Children of the Grave (live)
Snowblind (live)
Symptom Of The Universe (live)
War Pigs
Paranoid (live)
Hand Of Doom
Iron Man
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
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