OZZY OSBOURNE. The father of all metal. The psycho bastard you have all seen on TV. While his greatest days were definitely with Black Sabbath, there are a lot of his solo recordings that fucking rock your ass off, especially those recorded with Randy Rhoads. Fuck yeah, trip back in time.
Bark At The Moon
Mr. Crowley
Suicide Solution
Crazy Train (audio from Tribute Album)
I Don't Know
Breaking All The Rules
Flyin' High Again
Why the hell does he keep going back and forth from the mic stand. back and forth back and forth. Kinda like he is on a crazy trip and the stand is his safe zone. he can leave for a little bit, but he MUST return to the stand.
I wonder about that too! he always goes and places his mike and then instantl;y lifts it back up like he just got a new burst of energy! ha ha ha!
maybe he is just making sure he rememberes where the mike stand is!
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